Creative convergence future talent training science-focused project

#AnyangCityFutureTalentFoundation #AnyangCitySecondarySoftwareEducation #CreativeScience #CreativeIntegrationProject

• In 2021, SW training will be held for 4,800 middle school students in Anyang City, followed by a preliminary round and then a final competition.

• A remote, online, and offline competition was organized under the theme ‘Software that Protects the Future Social Environment’ to foster convergence talents by implementing robots that combine students’ ideas and express them in various ways.


CEO Chi-heon Lee, Da-in Lee

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Business Establishment  

1602-ho, C-dong, Seed Cube Changdong, 61, Madeul-ro 13-gil, Dobong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
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Fax 02-3665-8957 

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