#ArtificialIntelligence #Coding #SKTelecom #DisabledYouth
SKT Coding Challenge for Youth with Disabilities
#Competition Background
"My problem-solving skills, coding, and artificial intelligence skills have improved."
'SKT Disabled Youth Coding Challenge that can improve core competencies in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution
SK Telecom held the 'Disabled Youth ICT Competition' every year to bridge the information gap among disabled youth and promote interest and understanding of information and communication technology (ICT). It also operates a Happy Coding School for disabled youth.
In 2019, the Korea Federation of Persons with Disabilities operated the ICT Make-a-thon Competition in parallel with the coding demonstration competition, and in 2021, SK Telecom and the Korea Federation of Persons with Disabilities jointly hosted the said event every year to bridge the ICT information gap for disabled youth, and KBS Media and ALUX held the 'Happiness Coding Challenge' competition.
The Coding Challenge competition provides an opportunity for disabled youth to explore career paths as problem-solving skills, coding, and the ability to utilize artificial intelligence are core competencies in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. They will have the opportunity to improve their problem-solving, coding, and artificial intelligence skills through pre-competition preparation, teamwork activities, participation in competitions, and experience in booth management.

#Protect the Earth in 2021! Environmental Coding Challenge
The theme of the coding challenge held in 2021 was 'environment,' which was the theme that ran through the entire competition, allowing disabled youth to share the most pressing issues of the current generation.
To reduce the number of participants by unit venue in the COVID-19 situation, it was divided into five regions nationwide,
It is operated simultaneously nationwide by the central competition hall, and only records games that can measure scores through an online video connection
To reduce the number of participants per competition venue in the COVID-19 situation, the event was divided into five regions across the country and operated simultaneously, coordinated by the central competition venue. The 'work environment coding challenge competition' was held on October 26, 2021, conducted through online video connection and consisted of only matches where scores could be measured and recorded.
The event proceeded in five regions: Seoul, Suwon, Daejeon, Cheonan, and Daegu. A total of 20 schools participated and was held in a hybrid format (both on and offline) with 80 students and 20 teachers participating.
#A fierce day
[Contest 1] Unplugged coding contest
Commands were sequentially given to Albert, the coding robot, to move to the correct location according to the classification standards for recyclable waste. Comprised of two participants, each team performed a mission and the winner was determined by the measured total time of execution.
*The intellectually disabled and those with disabilities (hearing, delayed) were given missions of different difficulty.
[Competition 2-1] Artificial Intelligence Coding Competition – For Intellectually Disabled Persons
It was a competition to collect data on participants' body movements, create an artificial intelligence model, create a game using it, and evaluate whether it was functioning properly. It was a mission in which two members of each team performed different roles.
[Competition 2-2] Artificial Intelligence Coding Competition – For hearing and physically impaired people only
It was a creative competition to create an artificial intelligence model that accurately recognizes various types of waste and creates a program to make the right decision based on this. Two-person teams demonstrated and presented their work to the judges.
[Competition 3] Environmental quiz
The questions asked by the announcer of the main venue were entered into the tablet by entering the correct answers, and the intellectually disabled consisted of 10 to 15 questions, OX, and 4 questions, while the other disabled consisted of 10 to 15 questions and 4 questions.
Environmental Quiz Competition
People with intellectual disabilities were asked 10 to 15 O/X and multiple-choice questions, and other disabled participants had 10-15 multiple-choice questions posed by the announcer in the main competition hall.

#ArtificialIntelligence #Coding #SKTelecom #DisabledYouth
SKT Coding Challenge for Youth with Disabilities
#Competition Background
"My problem-solving skills, coding, and artificial intelligence skills have improved."
'SKT Disabled Youth Coding Challenge that can improve core competencies in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution
SK Telecom held the 'Disabled Youth ICT Competition' every year to bridge the information gap among disabled youth and promote interest and understanding of information and communication technology (ICT). It also operates a Happy Coding School for disabled youth.
In 2019, the Korea Federation of Persons with Disabilities operated the ICT Make-a-thon Competition in parallel with the coding demonstration competition, and in 2021, SK Telecom and the Korea Federation of Persons with Disabilities jointly hosted the said event every year to bridge the ICT information gap for disabled youth, and KBS Media and ALUX held the 'Happiness Coding Challenge' competition.
The Coding Challenge competition provides an opportunity for disabled youth to explore career paths as problem-solving skills, coding, and the ability to utilize artificial intelligence are core competencies in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. They will have the opportunity to improve their problem-solving, coding, and artificial intelligence skills through pre-competition preparation, teamwork activities, participation in competitions, and experience in booth management.
#Protect the Earth in 2021! Environmental Coding Challenge
The theme of the coding challenge held in 2021 was 'environment,' which was the theme that ran through the entire competition, allowing disabled youth to share the most pressing issues of the current generation.
To reduce the number of participants by unit venue in the COVID-19 situation, it was divided into five regions nationwide,
It is operated simultaneously nationwide by the central competition hall, and only records games that can measure scores through an online video connection
To reduce the number of participants per competition venue in the COVID-19 situation, the event was divided into five regions across the country and operated simultaneously, coordinated by the central competition venue. The 'work environment coding challenge competition' was held on October 26, 2021, conducted through online video connection and consisted of only matches where scores could be measured and recorded.
The event proceeded in five regions: Seoul, Suwon, Daejeon, Cheonan, and Daegu. A total of 20 schools participated and was held in a hybrid format (both on and offline) with 80 students and 20 teachers participating.
#A fierce day
[Contest 1] Unplugged coding contest
Commands were sequentially given to Albert, the coding robot, to move to the correct location according to the classification standards for recyclable waste. Comprised of two participants, each team performed a mission and the winner was determined by the measured total time of execution.
*The intellectually disabled and those with disabilities (hearing, delayed) were given missions of different difficulty.
[Competition 2-1] Artificial Intelligence Coding Competition – For Intellectually Disabled Persons
It was a competition to collect data on participants' body movements, create an artificial intelligence model, create a game using it, and evaluate whether it was functioning properly. It was a mission in which two members of each team performed different roles.
[Competition 2-2] Artificial Intelligence Coding Competition – For hearing and physically impaired people only
It was a creative competition to create an artificial intelligence model that accurately recognizes various types of waste and creates a program to make the right decision based on this. Two-person teams demonstrated and presented their work to the judges.
[Competition 3] Environmental quiz
The questions asked by the announcer of the main venue were entered into the tablet by entering the correct answers, and the intellectually disabled consisted of 10 to 15 questions, OX, and 4 questions, while the other disabled consisted of 10 to 15 questions and 4 questions.
Environmental Quiz Competition
People with intellectual disabilities were asked 10 to 15 O/X and multiple-choice questions, and other disabled participants had 10-15 multiple-choice questions posed by the announcer in the main competition hall.